CATHOLIC HERALD – Are you receiving the Catholic Herald subscription at your home?
Did you know that our parish is billed for this subscription? We are updating our records and reviewing the costs for the Catholic Herald. If you are receiving the Catholic Herald, this is just a reminder that we ask each subscriber to contribute $25 a year for their subscription to help defray the cost charged to our parish. If you no longer wish to receive the Catholic Herald, please contact our Parish Office to have your name removed from the list. If wish to continue receiving the Catholic Herald, but you have not paid for your subscription this year, you can place your money in the weekend offertory collection in an envelope marked “Catholic Herald” and include your name on the envelope so we give you proper credit for your contribution. You may also mail it to the parish office or stop in at the parish office. If you have any questions regarding your Catholic Herald subscription please call the parish office at 361-5252.
Maybe you want to view the Catholic Herald on your tablet or Device…The Catholic Herald is launching a new e-Edition. For more information, contact the Catholic Herald office at 608-821-3070 or email: info