The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Forming Hearts and Minds. Proclaiming Jesus Christ.
All of Christ’s faithful share in a common priesthood through baptism. From among them, the Church calls and ordains men to share specially in Christ’s priesthood. In the Old Covenant, even though Israel was a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6), the Lord called certain men to a special priestly ministry (Exodus 19:22). In the New Covenant, even though Christians are a kingdom of priests (1 Peter 2:9), Jesus calls certain men to a special priestly ministry (Romans 15:15-16).
This Sacrament is called Holy Orders. Through it priests are ordained and thus empowered to serve the Church (2 Timothy 1:5-7) as pastors, teachers, and spiritual fathers who heal, feed, and strengthen God’s people—most importantly through preaching and the administration of the Sacraments.
At All Saints, young men who would like to learn more about the priesthood should feel free to visit with Monsignor Gunn, Father Eric, or Father Tony. The sacrament of Holy Orders is celebrated once a year in the Diocese of Madison, presided over by Bishop Donald Hying. If you are interested in learning more about this sacrament and what preparation is needed, you can contact the Monsignor Gunn at 361-5252
Contact the Madison Diocesan Vocation Office www.madisonvocations.org or email vocations@straphael.org.
More information about Holy Orders can be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1536-1600).