Stewardship: Sharing the Gifts We Have Been Given
“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?” Psalm 116
Stewardship acknowledges God as Creator and Giver of all gifts. As disciples of the Lord Jesus, we are motivated to share our time, talent and treasure with the Church and other worthy causes from a deep sense of gratitude and in a planned, proportionate and sacrificial manner. Stewardship is a way of life that enhances our relationship with God and with one another.
God is the Giver of every gift we have in life–our life itself, our faith in Him, world and its precious resources, our family and friends and loved ones, our health, our jobs, our personalities, the different gifts and talents that each one of us have–all of these are God’s gifts to us. So naturally, we make a return for all the wonderful gifts He has given to us.
Giving is to show gratitude to God, an acknowledgement that our gifts are really His gifts to us, and our total dependence on Him. Giving changes us because it is not simply a financial program, it is a spiritual program of total love of God.
Donate Now/Electronic Giving Now Available
Online giving is a help to the parish finances especially during the summer when vacations and schedules change and envelopes counts drop off. Setting up your Online Giving Account in Pushpay is rather effortless.
E Giving Options now include your regular weekly offertory, holy day offering, school support, diocesan assessment or any other unrestricted donation. With the completion of the upcoming Stewardship Campaign, you may want to direct your donations to one of these funds on a schedule set up by you, electronically
To sign up click here
If you have any questions, call the Parish office for assistance 920-361-5252

We staying connected with you! Now you can stay connected with us through our very own App. Download it NOW. Available through iOs and Android platforms. #GrowingInTheSpirit #AllSaintsBerlin
If you have any questions, call the Parish office for assistance 920-361-5252
Remembering the Parish in your Will
An important way for members of one generation to have a lasting impact on the parish and its institutions is to make a lump sum bequest, or estate percentage bequest, in one’s Will. The legal title of the parish is “All Saints Catholic Congregation, Berlin, WI.” A bequest may also be made to one or both of our Endowment Funds–“Berlin Catholic School Endowment Fund” or the “All Saints Endowment Fund”
Support our school
For many years, All Saints Catholic School has provided the children in the surrounding Berlin Catholic community with an opportunity of a Christ-centered education that develops the academics, morals, and values needed for students to reach their full potential as children of God. Our All Saints Catholic Parish provides support and subsidizes the All Saints Catholic School. Using the designated monthly envelope labeled “Support Our School” will help us direct the funds to pay the costs to run and maintain the school. To submit your contribution through our Online Giving link: https://pushpay.com/g/allsaintsberlin
Once your online giving account is setup:
choose the Support Our School fund or The Little Saints Fund to direct your funds
Support Our School goes towards the overall general operations of the school.
Little Saints Fund is a designated account that is distributed to qualifying All Saints School families who demonstrate the need for financial assistance towards their annual tuition fees for the school year.