We’re using Flocknote! The Diocese of Madison is encouraging parishes to use this new tool to communicate with our parish members. We will be able to connect with our parishioners and school families at a moment’s notice via email or text message. Many are not on Facebook, so having a way to email messages to our groups and parish members will be extremely helpful to continue to keep us connected.
Please know that your information is safe, and Flocknote does not “own” your information. You can add yourselves to any groups and manage the messages you want to get from groups that you may participate in, such as the Usher Group or the Ministry Groups we will be building. You may also choose to “unsubscribe” at any time, although we hope you will want to stay connected with us to know everything going on in our parish community through newsletters, updates, and upcoming events.
Please help us by keeping your contact information up to date. Thank you!

